Hepps Family

Abraham Hubsch

m: 1859 Hungary Juczi Hubsch

m2: c.1880 Hungary Widow Burger Hubsch

Juczi Hubsch

m: 1859 Hungary

  Maiden name: Weisz

Widow Burger Hubsch

m2: c.1880 Hungary

Adolph Hepps

b: February 1860, Hungary

m: August 9, 1887 Miskolc,Hungary Julia Hepps

i: 1893

d: July 17, 1938, Pittsburgh,PA

  Original last name: Hubsch

  Hebrew name(s): Aharon ben Avraham

  1. Ella Hepps
  2. Abe Hepps
  3. Hazel Markowitz
  4. Jacob Hepps
  5. Elizabeth Nidoff
  6. Sam Hepps
  7. Martin Hepps

Samuel Hepps

b: 1861, Hungary

m: 1886 Rosa Hepps

i: May 3, 1891

d: 1928, Columbus,OH

  Original last name: Hubsch

  1. Lula Stanford
  2. Jolan Hubsch
  3. Florence Hoffman
  4. Maurice Hepps

Bernhardt Hepps

b: 1863, Hungary

m: December 15, 1892 Miskolc,Hungary Berthe Hepps

i: c.1890

d: November 9, 1949, Homestead,PA

  Original last name: Hubsch

  Hebrew name(s): Dov Ber ben Avraham

  1. Abraham Hepps
  2. Olga Keisler
  3. Hazel Newman
  4. Jacob Hepps
  5. Samuel Hepps
  6. Martin Hepps
  7. Herbert Hepps
  8. Maurice Hepps

Alexander Hepps

b: July 19, 1882, Hungary

m: 1905 Celia Hepps

i: April 21, 1900

d: September 1, 1933, Homestead,PA

  Original last name: Hubsch

  Hebrew name(s): Sandor

  1. Elsie Hepps
  2. Sadye Rosenblatt
  3. Hilda Kart
  4. Ruth Schwadron

Hannah Weiss

b: December 1885, Hungary

m: 1907 Josef Weiss

i: 1907

d: March 1962, Cleveland,OH

  Maiden name: Hepps

  Nickname(s): Honey

  1. Edward Weiss
  2. William Weiss

Fannie Keizler

b: c.1887, Hungary

m: Morris Keizler

i: December 30, 1902

d: 1972, Homestead,PA

  Maiden name: Hubsch

  Nickname(s): Anna

  1. Abraham Keizler
  2. William Keizler
  3. Regina Mandell
  4. Mildred Cohen

Frank Hepps

b: April 28, 1887, Kach,Hungary

m: Ella Hepps

i: January 26, 1905

d: May 26, 1983, Phoenix,AZ

  Original last name: Hubsch

  Hebrew name(s): Ferdinand

  1. Beatrice Eisenberg
  2. Sadie Hershkowitz
  3. Bertha Klein
  4. Edward Hepps

Julia Roth

b: July 1888, Hungary

m: 1906 David Roth

i: 1903

  Maiden name: Hepps

  1. Edward Roth
  2. Regina Harris
  3. Stanford Roth

Hubsches in Hungary

Places by county

  • Borsod:
    • Miskolc: Where Bernhardt & Adolf married, where Adolf's children born
    • Harsany: Birthplace of Bernhardt
    • Vatta: Birthpalce of Adolph
    • Kacs: Where Bernhardt & Adolph's parents are from
    • Heo-Csaba: A village adjacent to Miskolc associated w/ Bernhardt (an older name for Hejocsaba, which used to be an independent village, but in 1945 it became a district of Miskolc)
    • Szalonna: Birthplaces of Julia and Biri Rosenblu(t)h? Or is it really:
    • Hejoszalonta: Alternate birthplace of Julia and Biri Rosenblu(t)h
  • Baranya: WRONG
    • Szalonta: Birthplaces of Julia and Biri Rosenblu(t)h (wives of Bernhardt & Adolph)
  • Torontal:
    • Sannicolau Mare, Romania / Nagy Szent Miklos, Hungary: Birthplace of Rabbi Adolph Huebsch
  • Trencsen:
    • Bytca, Slovakia / Bittse, Hungary: Where Rabbi Huebsch registered his marriage
  • Can't find: Hrico (marriage location for Rabbi Huebsch)

The map below shows the exact location of these towns. Zoom in/out or pan around to get a better sense of how they related to each other, especially the towns in Borsod country where most of the family events took place.

View Hepps Family -- Towns in Hungary in a larger map

Here are these towns located on a map of Hungary contemporaneous with the family events that took place there:

Hungarian counties of note

After WWI Hungary was split apart by the Treaty of Trianon. That is why some of the towns listed above are not in the modern country of Hungary.

Dismemberment of Hungary as part of post-WWI Trianon treaty

Not found

  • Births of Bernhardt, Adolph, or any of their siblings
  • Birth of their parents / wives' parents / parents' marriages (or re-marriages)
  • Sam's marriage or children

(All records found via the awesome JewishGen Hungary Database.)

Regarding the Schwadron family tree that has the famous Rabbi Adolph Hubsch as Bernahrdt's uncle, this is almost certainy not true. That said, in the event that these Hubsches are related going further back, it's worth sharing this (loose) translation of the family background from the biography linked above:

Abraham (Adolf) is born to Joachim and Julie Huebsch in a town called St. Nichlaus, in Hungary. He is the third son born on 09.18.1830. Joachim is a pastor and very well-educated. Julis has a great heart and is very much loved in the commuity as well. abraham is going early to school: he moved 1840 to Sest (? it is old German and has a few letters I cannot recognize). until 1845. He attended a lutheran school. 1845-1845 he was hired as a teacher in an israeli (I assume they meant Jewish) school in Altosen (Ultisen). 1848 he became a soldier (out ofhis own free will) and officer n the Honneb-Regiment. He was in the army until one big battle in Hilagos. Then his regiment was dissolved. 1849-1853 he studied theologie at bats under the rabbi Julius Ungar. He was a rabbi from 1854-1857 in the community of Miava. In 1858-1861 he was at the the academy and got his Ph.D in 1861 at the Brager University in Philosophy. He married at 32 Rina Lintz, He had three children. The youngest dies as well as his wife after they arrived in the US. He had 4 children (they mention it later).

They did not mention the names of his children. I guess 3 survived. They mention also his life, his publication and his activities. But the NYC years are much more vague.

What is very interesting is that Huebsch comes from a family in Boehmen in the middle ages (1500). Samuel Yafeh Ashkenazi and was a rabbi in Constantinople. His sons Josef and Jsaaf and grandson Menachem were famous in the 17 century. They were famous for jewish literature. The jewish families escaped the middle east and probably a part of Fasah family. Abraham's grandfather name was Samuel Yafeh. In Boehmen the name was translated into "schoen" and in Hungary it became Huesch. Since the family was interested in theology in the middle ages, Abraham was probably inclined at young age to be involved with theology.

The work for which Shmuel Yafeh is know is called the Yafeh Toar (loosely translated as "good-looking") which is a quote from Tanakh from my Bat Mitzvah parasha!

Some more biographical information about Adolph & his most famous son, Ben W. As a result of meeting Ben W.'s grandson, Rand, on 3/25/11, I was able to piece together an interesting story about his marriage (link above).

Additional names from Homestead Hebrew yahrzeit records

  • Bernhardt's mother was Yehudit bat Shmuel. She was even once referred to as Judith Hepps.
  • Bernhardt's father was Abraham ben Shimon.


Immigration records for Bernhardt & Berthe? Would expect B's arrival in late 1880s. Then back to Hungary in 1892. Then both back to US in early 1893.

Bernhardt Hepps

Berthe Hepps

Hungarian birth records for Bernhardt & Berthe?

Bernhardt Hepps

Berthe Hepps

Immigration records for Adolph, Julia, and 3 kids?

Adolph Hepps

Julia Hepps

Ella Hepps

Abe Hepps

Hazel Markowitz

Hungarian birth records for Adolph & Julia?

Adolph Hepps

Julia Hepps

Immigration records for Sam and Lula? (All other surviving kids born in PA.) Have for Rosa + Jolan.

Samuel Hepps

Lula Stanford

Hungarian birth records for Sam & Rosa?

Samuel Hepps

Rosa Hepps

Immigration records for Hepps half-sibs Julia and Hannah? Have for Fannie & Frank & Alex.

Julia Roth

Hannah Weiss

Hungarian birth records for Hepps half-sibs? (Would provide more info on identity of "Widow Burger"

Frank Hepps

Fannie Keizler

Alexander Hepps

Julia Roth

Hannah Weiss

Hungarian marriage record for Sam & Rosa

Samuel Hepps

Rosa Hepps

Hungarian birth records for Sam Hepps' children: Lula 1887, Jolan 1888, two others?

Lula Stanford

Jolan Hubsch

Hungarian marriage record for Abraham & widow Burger?

Abraham Hubsch

Widow Burger Hubsch

Hungarian death record for Bernhardt's mother? Czilii Weisz Hubsch film at LDS?

Julia Hepps

Hungarian birth records for gggfs to get back a generation?

Abraham Hubsch

Juczi Hubsch

Moricz Rosenbluh

Betti Rosenbluh

Ohio death and marriage records for Sam Hepps family (FamilySearch broken when I looked)

Samuel Hepps

Rosa Hepps

Lula Stanford

Maurice Hepps

Are we related to those other Hubsches??? Will the guy ever take that Y-DNA test???? Haven't followed up since March 2011.


Events & Records

1859 Marriage of Juczi Hubsch & Abraham Hubsch
1860-02 Birth of Adolph Hepps
1861 Birth of Samuel Hepps
1863 Birth of Bernhardt Hepps
c. 1880 Marriage of Widow Burger Hubsch & Abraham Hubsch
1882-07 Birth of Alexander Hepps
1885-12 Birth of Hannah (Hepps) Weiss
1886 Marriage of Rosa Hepps & Samuel Hepps
c. 1887 Birth of Fannie (Hubsch) Keizler
1887-04 Birth of Frank Hepps
1887-08 Marriage of Julia Hepps & Adolph Hepps
1887-10 Birth of Lula (Hepps) Stanford
1888 Birth of Jolan Hubsch
1888-06 Birth of Ella (Hepps) Hepps
1888-07 Birth of Julia (Hepps) Roth
1891-05 Immigration of Samuel Hepps
1892-04 Birth of Abe Hepps
1892-10 Bernhardt Hepps' First Paper
1892-12 Marriage of Berthe Hepps & Bernhardt Hepps
1893-09 Birth of Abraham Hepps
1893-12 Birth of Hazel (Hepps) Markowitz
1894-02 Adolph Hepps' First Paper
1894-07 Immigration of Rosa Hepps and Jolan Hubsch
1894-12 Birth of Olga (Hepps) Keisler
1895-01 Bernhardt Hepps' Petition for Naturalization
1896 Immigration of Ella Hepps
1896 Immigration of Abe Hepps
1896 Immigration of Hazel Markowitz
1896-05 Birth of Hazel (Hepps) Newman
1897-07 Birth of Jacob Hepps
1898-01 Samuel Hepps First Paper
1898-08 Adolph Hepps' Petition for Naturalization
1898-10 Birth of Elizabeth (Hepps) Nidoff
1898-12 Birth of Jacob Hepps
1900-02 Samuel Hepps Petition for Naturalization
1900-04 Immigration of Alexander Hepps
1900-05 Birth of Florence (Hepps) Hoffman
1900-06 Address of Adolph Hepps family
1901-03 Birth of Samuel Hepps
1902-12 Immigration of Hannah Weiss
1903 Immigration of Julia Roth
1903-09 Immigration of Fannie Keizler
1904-04 Birth of Martin Hepps
1904-04 Birth of Herbert Hepps
1904-06 Birth of Maurice Hepps
1905 Birth of Abraham Keizler
1905 Marriage of Celia Hepps & Alexander Hepps
1905-01 Birth of Sam Hepps
1905-02 Immigration of Frank Hepps
1905-02 Birth of Elsie Hepps
1906 Marriage of David Roth & Julia Roth
1906-09 Sandor Hepps' Petition for Naturalization
1907 Birth of William Keizler
1907 Marriage of Josef Weiss & Hannah Weiss
1907-01 Birth of Maurice Hepps
1907-04 Birth of Edward Roth
1907-10 Frank Hepps Petition for Naturaliztion
1908-09 Birth of Edward Weiss
1909 Birth of Regina (Keizler) Mandell
1909-01 Frank Hepps Declaration of Intention
1909-09 Birth of Sylvia Feldman
1910-01 Birth of Regina (Roth) Harris
1910-04 Address of Samuel Hepps family
1910-05 Address of Bernhardt Hepps and Adolph Hepps families
1911-07 Birth of Beatrice (Hepps) Eisenberg
1912-04 Birth of William Weiss
1913-01 Birth of Sadie (Hepps) Hershkowitz
1913-01 Birth of Stanford Roth
1914 Birth of Mildred (Keizler) Cohen
1914-01 Frank Hepps Oath of Allegiance
1917-06 WWI draft registration for Frank Hepps
1918-01 Marriage of Florence Hoffman & ---
1918-03 Birth of Bertha (Hepps) Klein
1918-09 WWI draft registration for Jacob Hepps
1918-09 WWI draft registration for Sandor Hepps
1919-12 Birth of Edward Hepps
1920-01 Address of Roth family
1920-01 Death of Maurice Hepps
1920-01 Address of Alexander Hepps family
1920-01 Address of Weiss family
1920-01 Address of Adolph Hepps family
1920-01 Address of Frank Hepps family
1920-01 Address of Keizler family
1926-01 Marriage of Florence Hepps & Samuel Hepps
1926-08 Marriage of Mary Hepps & Jacob Hepps
1926-10 Birth of Rose (Hepps) Ripp
1928 Death of Samuel Hepps
1928-04 Birth
1930-04 Address of Roth family
1930-04 Address of Alexander Hepps and Samuel W. Hepps families
1930-04 Address of Keizler family
1930-04 Address of Weiss family
1930-04 Address of Bernhardt Hepps family
1930-04 Address of Adolph Hepps family
1930-04 Address of Hepps and Wesokys
1932 Marriage of Abraham Keizler & ---
1933-09 Death of Alexander Hepps
1935-09 Death of Florence Hoffman
1937 Death of William Keizler
1938-07 Death of Adolph Hepps
1938-10 Marriage of Bertha Klein & ---
1940-02 Birth
1940-04 Address of Jacob Hepps family
1942 Marriage of Edward Roth & ---
1942-04 WWII draft registration for Frank Hepps
1942-04 WWII draft registration for A.C. Hepps
1946-01 Death of Maurice Hepps
1949-11 Death of Bernhardt Hepps
1956-12 Death of Beatrice Eisenberg
1960 Death of Abraham Keizler
1962-03 Death of Hannah Weiss
1962-09 Death of Edward Weiss
1962-11 Death of Hazel Markowitz
1965-12 Death of Martin Hepps
1966-01 Death of Abraham Hepps
1972 Death of Fannie Keizler
1972-03 Death of Samuel Hepps
1974 Death of Edward Hepps
1974-08 Death of Hazel Newman
1977-11 Death of Herbert Hepps
1978-01 Death of Edward Roth
1979-07 Death of Jacob Hepps
1981-05 Death of Olga Keisler
1981-05 Death of Sadie Hershkowitz
1982-07 Death of Bertha Klein
1983-05 Death of Frank Hepps
1984-04 Death of Ella Hepps
1986-04 Death of Abe Hepps
1990-12 Death of Jacob Hepps
1991-07 Death of Elsie Hepps


  • Homestead,PA
    Birth of Jacob Hepps, 1898-12-8
    Death of Bernhardt Hepps, 1949-11-9
    Birth of Abraham Hepps, 1893-9-27
    and 22 more
  • PA
    Death of Jacob Hepps, 1979-7-1
    Birth of Bertha (Hepps) Klein, 1918-3-18
    Birth of Rose (Hepps) Ripp, 1926-10-22
    and 4 more
  • Pittsburgh,PA
    Marriage of Mary Hepps & Jacob Hepps, 1926-8-18
    Birth, 1940-2-29
    Death of Adolph Hepps, 1938-7-17
    and 7 more
  • Beaver Falls,PA
    Birth, 1928-4-8
  • 406 Dickson St.,Homestead,PA
    Address of Bernhardt Hepps and Adolph Hepps families, 1910-5-3
    WWI draft registration for Jacob Hepps, 1918-9-12
    Address of Bernhardt Hepps family, 1930-4-15
  • 1418 N. St. Clair,Pittsburgh,PA
    Address of Hepps and Wesokys, 1930-4-23
  • 1411 North Euclid Ave,Pittsburgh,PA
    Address of Jacob Hepps family, 1940-4-6
  • Hungary
    Birth of Bernhardt Hepps, 1863
    Birth of Adolph Hepps, 1860-2
    Birth of Ella (Hepps) Hepps, 1888-6-1
    and 11 more
  • Miskolc,Hungary
    Marriage of Berthe Hepps & Bernhardt Hepps, 1892-12-15
    Marriage of Julia Hepps & Adolph Hepps, 1887-8-9
  • 443 5th Ave.,Homestead,PA
    Address of Adolph Hepps family, 1900-6-1
  • 563 Dixon St.,Homestead,PA
    Address of Adolph Hepps family, 1920-1-11
  • 4152 Saline Ave.,Pittsburgh,PA
    Address of Adolph Hepps family, 1930-4-17
  • Kach,Hungary
    Birth of Frank Hepps, 1887-4-28
  • Columbus,OH
    Death of Samuel Hepps, 1928
    Death of Maurice Hepps, 1946-1
  • 441 W. 3rd Ave.,Homestead,PA
    Address of Samuel Hepps family, 1910-4-21
  • Phoenix,AZ
    Death of Frank Hepps, 1983-5-26
    Death of Bertha Klein, 1982-7-14
    Death of Edward Roth, 1978-1-23
  • Mollenauer,PA
    Birth of Beatrice (Hepps) Eisenberg, 1911-7-2
    Birth of Sadie (Hepps) Hershkowitz, 1913-1-20
  • 402 First St.,Donora,PA
    Address of Frank Hepps family, 1920-1-13
  • Library Route,Mollenauer,PA
    Frank Hepps Petition for Naturaliztion, 1907-10-1
  • (illegible)
    WWI draft registration for Frank Hepps, 1917-6-6
  • 850 Beaver Ave.,Midland,PA
    WWII draft registration for Frank Hepps, 1942-4-27
  • Miami,FL
    Death of Ella Hepps, 1984-4
    Death of Beatrice Eisenberg, 1956-12
    Death of Sadie Hershkowitz, 1981-5-23
    and 2 more
  • Los Angeles,CA
    Death of Abe Hepps, 1986-4-2
    Death of Jacob Hepps, 1990-12-23
  • 336 E. 12th St.,Homestead,PA
    WWII draft registration for A.C. Hepps, 1942-4-27
  • 427 Ninth Ave.,Munhall,PA
    Address of Alexander Hepps and Samuel W. Hepps families, 1930-4-7
  • Youngstown,OH
    Death of Florence Hoffman, 1935-9-28
  • 528 Dixon St.,Homestead,PA
    Address of Keizler family, 1920-1-15
  • 512 Ninth St.,Munhall,PA
    Address of Keizler family, 1930-4-10
  • 427 9th Ave.,Munhall PA
    Address of Alexander Hepps family, 1920-1-5
  • 427 9th Ave.,Munhall,PA
    WWI draft registration for Sandor Hepps, 1918-9-12
  • 301 Dixon St.,Homestead,PA
    Sandor Hepps' Petition for Naturalization, 1906-9-12
  • St. Louis,MO
    Death of Elsie Hepps, 1991-7-7
  • 110 Hickory St.,Butler,PA
    Address of Roth family, 1920-1-2
  • 651 McKean Ave.,Donora,PA
    Address of Roth family, 1930-4-5
  • Cleveland,OH
    Death of Hannah Weiss, 1962-3
  • OH
    Birth of William Weiss, 1912-4-30
  • 17 Northfield Rd.,Beford,OH
    Address of Weiss family, 1920-1-6
  • 2925 Washington Boulevard,Cleveland Heights,OH
    Address of Weiss family, 1930-4-10